Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Wound Evaluation

I feel that the piece didn't turn out as well as I wanted in terms of colour and smoothness of the piece. I wanted the piece to look more yellow and less red in the centre as the redness makes it look more raw and fleshy than I wanted.

I feel that I did quite well as my first project in special effects since I have never done it before, but I think I could've spent more time perfecting the overall piece. I like how the black thread worked as the stitches and makes the piece look more realistic. To colour the piece to blend into the skin, I used foundation however, I think that the alcohol palette would have made the wound look more real.

Overall, I am happy with my final piece but there are a few areas that I could work on with practice. I really enjoyed applying the wound and creating a story. In the future I will be sure to blend the baldiez until I am 100% sure the edges will not be picked up with make-up because I think this is what mainly makes the piece look fake.

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